Collaborations with Russian Models in Photography



Exploring the Fashion World Through the Lens of Wilmar Baracaldo: Colombian Photographer’s Collaborations with Eastern European Wome


BMWilmar, also known as Wilmar Baracaldo, is a Colombian photographer who is passionate about fashion and photography collaborations with Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian women. His dream is to work with models from Russia, specifically from Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Volga region, Samara, and Ekaterimburg.

What draws Wilmar to these women is their education, hair, and light-colored eyes. To him, women from Rostov-on-Don and Kranoda are similar to Latin women but unique in the world. He also likes the rhythmic grace of women from Kazan and Novosibirsk for boudoir fashion photography. Irkutsk offers an impressive variety of beauty in Asian Russian women.

Belarus is a paradise for images, especially in Minsk. Ukraine, with its city of Odessa, is another place where Wilmar finds inspiration for his photographs.

Wilmar is a freelance fashion photographer who works globally, and his passion for fashion photography is reflected in his work. He believes that Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian women are special due to their natural beauty and humility and simplicity. Through his photography collaborations, Wilmar hopes to capture the essence of these women and share it with the world.

Additionally to his photography work, Wilmar is a big enthusiast about Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian women, and he wants to share this passion with his community through his Instagram profile and website, where he regularly posts content about these women and their culture. So, If you’re interested in learning more about Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian women, he invites you to follow his updates and join his community.

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